Atelier Yiriba

Creative activities for children of the neighbourhood

since 2015 in Daoudabogou 

since 2019 also at Centre Yiriba in Kalaban Coura

Opening event in Daoudabougou


Children of the first course invite friends and family to come drawing their wishes for the new year.



Artist Chakara teaches the traditional Bogolan painting

Clay sculptures


Fulani women teaching us how to burn our clay sculptures with a fire.

Atelier Yiriba Book 2015-2017

e-book documentation

Masks for an exhibition


Inspired by the invitation of artist Sandra Knecht for her exhibition in Basel/Switzerland

Bogo Ja inspiration


Visit of Bogo Ja festival in Siby with a group of children of Daoudabougou

Mural painting


Artist Chakara and the children paint a mural at the entrance wall of Atelier Yiriba

Opening event at Centre Yiriba


Celebrating the new location of Atelier Yiriba with mural painting by Chakara, inspired by BogoJa. Paper workshop by Carolina Cerbaro and Alice Cantaluppi

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